Three Little Ladies Rabbitry, Jersey Wooly
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ARBA Show Entry Form

Going to a show can be somewhat intimidating to a new breeder, or first time rabbit exhibitor. Entering a show requires certain items from you in order to get registered for a show, and get your rabbits entered. There are generally two required forms for a rabbit show, the first is the show entry form, and the second is the judges remark cards.

Most local shows allow you to register on the day of the show. The forms that you will need will be available at the show. Larger national shows will require that you register in advance. Please be considerate and only take the forms you need. The ARBA show entry form will look something like this:

ARBA Rabbit Show Entry Form

Completing the ARBA Entry Form

It is important that every form be filled out completely and accurately. Errors in these forms may result in the unshowability of your rabbit.

  1. Entry No. - This will be completed for you
  2. Show Date - The date the show takes place
  3. Exhibitor(s)/Owner(s) - This field is extremely important. This is the name that will be used for accumulating points and standings for the various clubs. If you are a member of the HLRSC (Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club) you would want this name to be the same as the name you registered with for the HLRSC. If any of the rabbits you are showing are registered, this field must also match the name under which the rabbit is registered. As a rule of thumb, we encourage exhibitors that join clubs to use their legal name and not nicknames, for every club they join.
  4. Rabbitry Name - This is an optional field.
  5. ARBA # - This is where you place your ARBA number. If you are not an ARBA member you would not have a number. You do not have to be an ARBA member to show rabbits.
  6. Enter your name and address. Make sure this is correct. Show reports get sent to the address.
  7. Mark and ‘X’ if you are or are not an ARBA member.
  8. Do you desire ribbons - This option may not be used at the show you are participating in. We always check yes, because if this is an option, we would like to receive the ribbons.
    In addition to your name the fields 9-11 are extremely important that they are correct. Errors in these fields may result in your rabbit not being showable.
  9. Breed & Variety - Its rare that exhibitors are incorrect in identifying their breed. However, mistakes are often made in variety. Each breed of rabbit has their own distinct variety. For example, holland lops are shown by color pattern, solid and broken. Dutch on the other hand are shown by colors, black, blue, chocolate, steel, and tortoise. If you are unsure of what varietys your breed shows with, concult the Standard of Perfection publiched by the ARBA.
  10. Ear Number - All rabbits entered in a show, must have a legible ear tatoo. The tatoo should be unique to your rabbitry. This is the blank where you enter that tatoo number.
  11. Class & Sex - Class is another field that depends on your breed of rabbit, it is usually related to the age and/or weight of your rabbit. Small breeds are whats called 4 class breeds. They have juniors (ages 3 months - 6 months ) and seniors (ages 6 months and older). They are then broken down by gender. So the four classes would be junior buck, junior does, senior buck, senoir doe. The Standard of Perfection will tell what class your breed is shown in.
  12. Entry Fee - Usually there is an entry fee for each rabbit you show. This helps cover the cost of the show. In order to keep the registration process flowing, please make sure this field is correct.
    Everything to the right of the Entry Fee on a standard ARBA registration form is used by the show secretary.
  13. Total Entry Fee - Basically this is the total of all the per rabbit entry fees added together.
  14. Sponsoring Club - This is the organization that is putting on the show.
  15. Show Location - We put the city and state or you can put the facility name.
  16. Show Secretary - Show secretary name

Final Thoughts on Entry Forms

The show entry from is usually a carbonless two part form. The top form will go to the show secretary and the bottom form will be returned to you at the registration table. We use Breeders Assistant software, which has the ARBA form built in. When we select the rabbits it completes the form for us. We just print off two copies, one for the show secretary and the other for our records.

You’re not quite ready to proceed to the registration table yet. Now its time to complete the other form you need, the judges remarks card. Check back for that article in the near future.

Rob Usakowski
Three Little Ladies Rabbitry