Three Little Ladies Rabbitry, Jersey Wooly
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Holland Lops - Body Type

Holland lops should be short and stocky. They should look massive. The shoulders and chest should be very wide, and should be almost as big as the hind quarters. However, they should not exceed the hind quarters. The hindquarters should be wide, and should round off very nicely . Holland Lops are to be muscular in appearance, but well balanced. A small simple dewlap is permitted in does.

Shoulders with good width

Shoulder lacking width.

The correct body type will show a ratio of balance. The body should be twice the length of the head.


Holland Lops - Body Faults

Lacking depth throughout the body; long, low, or narrow shoulders; chopped, pinched or undercut hindquarters; flatness over the hips; large dewlap in does. Cut severely for long or narrow body

Body Worth 32 points